D-CREDO Project Results
On this page we will display achieved project results and deliverables
Result/Deliverable | Description | Due Date | Status | Criteria |
The literature review deliverable will be a reference document for LUs developers indexing seminal papers and studies to be used in the educational development in WP3. These studies can be used as examples or sources of evidence, educational data or inspiration for authors on what to write in the LUs. | 30/11/2024 | Done Abstract and full text screening completed, Data extraction and quality assessement completed Report: PDF Included Papers: Excel Spreadsheet | Analysis of papers from ≥ 5 years: started Jan 2019 inclusion/exclusion decision on ≥1000 reviewed abstracts: 1527 ≥100 commented included papers (>=20 each partner): 103 full text reviews | |
D2.2. Learning objectives catalogue report | The list of LOs will guide the authoring of individual LUs in WP3, but also the planning of the evaluation and quality control of the LUs carried out in WP4. The LOs will fit the DID-ACT project catalogue of themes and LOs. The catalogue of LOs will be disseminated by WP5 as a tangible result of the D-CREDO project and can be used to inform new editions of (inter-)national and local university educational standards. | 28/02/2025 | Started | ≥1 LO related to each D-CREDO type of tool ≥1 LO in each DID-ACT theme ≥30% LOs relevant for non-medicine health professions |
D2.3. White paper document | The white paper will guide WP3’s LU authors in aligning effective learning methods with LOs, ensuring high pedagogical quality. It will shape WP4’s evaluation tools. This paper will also aid in formulating research questions for innovative CR teaching methods and pilot study designs (WP4). Promoted by WP5, it will be important not only for our project but also for others developing technology-related LUs in other domains of health sciences. | 31/05/2025 | not yet started | ≥200 visits to the white paper in year 2 and ≥500 visits in year 3 ≥10 open research questions related to digital tools in CR practice and education |
D2.4. Best practice guideline for curriculum implementation | The result of the guideline writing activity will be an interactive document to inform about the methods of integrating the developed LUs (WP3) into local curricula based on our project’s experiences. The best practice guideline will be disseminated in WP5 through conferences, workshops and local events, thus helping to address the implementation barriers that hinder the translation of innovative learning methods into classroom practice. | 30/06/2027 | not yet started | ≥30 definitions of difficult terms in the best practice guideline ≥50 visits to the white paper in M35-M36 |
D3.1 Blueprint | The D3.1 will contain two filled-in metadata schemas to detail the planned LUs and VPs (e.g. CR topics, D-CREDO LOs, difficulty level, target health professions, type of digital tool covered; VP features (e.g. demographics, social status, symptoms, diagnosis); environmental context (e.g. urban rural, war zone). D3.1 will contain a learning activity template schema to detail activities of student and TTT LUs in D3.2 and D3.3. | 30/09/2025 | not yet started | description of ≥7 planned student LUs; description of ≥3 TTT LUs description of ≥15 VPs; list of ≥10 specific digital tool examples to be covered in the LUs/VPs |
D3.2 Student LUs | The D3.2 report will feature a list of all the implemented LUs and VPs, as well as any necessary modifications to the blueprint. Additionally, the report will detail the digital tools integrated into the LUs and VPs, along with the methodology used for integration. The LUs will be made available as open access on the DID-ACT Moodle system, and each will include a completed activity template. | 31/03/2026 | not yet started | development of ≥7 new or adapted student LUs development of ≥15 new or adapted VPs new content and activities for at least 35h blended learning(time includes VP activities) ≥1 LU and ≥ 3 VPs for non-medical health profession (e.g. nursing) |
D3.3 TTT LUs | The D3.3 report will follow the format of D3.2. The TTT LUs provide the teachers with needed methodological and technical terminology and know-how to facilitate D-CREDO student LUs. The LUs will include instructions on how to orient the students in the learning activities, remedy common problems, where to find further readings, or hints for alternative activities. | 30/06/2026 | not yet started | new development or adaptation of ≥3 TTT LUs new content and activities for at least 15h blended learning |
D3.4 LU refinements | This will contain a summary of the refinements made in the LUs/VP to address feedback from pilot studies. | 30/06/2027 | not yet started | half of the refined LUs and VPs visited ≥10 times in M35-M36 |
A project report detailing the results of the targeted needs assessment | 30/11/2024 | ≥25 interviews (~ 5/partner): 30 ≥100 survey responses (~ 20/partner): 118 | ||
D4.2 Evaluation Tools | A set of evaluation tools to measure the expected educational outcomes and monitor the quality of the LUs/VPs development process. | 30/09/2025 | not yet started | a satisfaction questionnaire for students a satisfaction tool for educators |
D4.3 Pilot study plan | Detailed protocols for the planned pilot studies and necessary preparatory work needed to conduct the studies | 30/06/2026 | not yet started | ≥8 protocols for pilot studies (2/teaching partner – except INS) |
D4.4 Evaluation report | A report with results from the data collection, analysis and interpretation of the data collected from the pilot studies | 28/02/2027 | not yet started | ≥50% of students consider that their skill to use digital tool in CR has been enhanced ≥50% educators consider that their teaching skills using digital tools in CR have been enhanced; each teaching partner organised ≥2 pilot studies of D-CREDO LUs ≥200 participants in evaluation (approx. 50/teaching partner) ≥100 survey responses (approx. 25/teaching partner) |
The website will showcase the project’s results. With clear labels, hyperlinks, responsive design, and graphics, it ensures easy understanding for all stakeholders. It will detail the project’s mission, vision, and goals, introduce the team, and feature monthly updates from partners on WP progress and involvement opportunities. | 30/11/2024 | Webpage online Visits: 5000: Nov 2024 -> approx. ≥4000 visits (in webstats already 4500 “unique” users) Number of blog posts (≥36); Number of views of blog posts ≥1.000 | ||
D5.2 Dissemination events and publications | Annual report on dissemination events including presentations and published abstracts and articles with yearly updates | 30/09/2025 30/09/2026 31/08/2027 | In Progress; List started in our Document Folder | Number of presentations or publications ≥10; Number of participants in multiplier and dissemination events ≥120; |
D5.3 Sustainability Strategy | The result of this activity will be a community of stakeholders invested in the application of the project outcomes in their teaching and research. They will be motivated to contribute to its maintenance throughout the life of the project and beyond. At the end of the project, we will clearly describe agreed strategies for the long-term sustainability of D-CREDO. | 31/08/2027 | not yet started | Increase in number of social media contacts and interactions ≥10% (measured based on the status of selected profiles declared at the start of the project in M3); Number of posts / month ≥2 |