The D-CREDO project reaches Malaysia!

Erasmus+ projects have the potential to gain tremendous efficiency and sustainability through synergies between parallel initiatives. A good example of that is the recent multiplier effect experienced by three D-CREDO project members in the area of virtual patient development. 

From January 12th to 17th, 2025 Joanna Fąferek, Andrzej Kononowicz, and Małgorzata Sudacka from Jagiellonian University had the pleasure of participating in the CHAPTER-SEA project’s kick-off meeting in Kuala Lumpur, organized by the Universiti Malaya. The project is about capacity building in virtual patient training through adaptation and curricular implementation of the European iCoViP project collection of virtual patients into the cultural and health system context of Southeast Asia, in particular Malaysia and Indonesia.

The common denominator of these projects is the use of virtual patients in clinical reasoning training. This form of scenario-based learning in the D-CREDO project serves as a vehicle to interactively demonstrate the use of digital health tools in clinical reasoning to undergraduate health professions students.

During the CHAPTER-SEA workshop on the fundamentals of virtual patient design and development, we shared updates from the ongoing D-CREDO project as an example of initiatives at the forefront of developing the concept of virtual patients for digital health tool augmented clinical reasoning education. On the one hand, our presentation aroused high interest among the Southeast Asian workshop’s participants, which contributes to widening the group of potential users of the D-CREDO digital health tools virtual patients in the future. On the other hand, in the CHAPTER-SEA project, we are learning the nuances of how the cultural context of different healthcare systems influences the clinical reasoning process, which will help us to make the D-CREDO virtual patients more versatile. Being involved in both projects, we are excited about the synergistic opportunities these projects bring to foster collaboration and advance digital education in clinical reasoning for health professions students!

For updates on the progress and achievements of the CHAPTER-SEA project, check out their LinkedIn page!