The D-CREDO project officially kicked off right on schedule with an intense Zoom meeting that set the tone for what promises to be an exciting and collaborative endeavor. It was fantastic to see such a large turnout – almost 30 participants! Attendees included not only representatives from our partner institutions Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, Erasmus Medical Center, Bukovinian State Medical University, Tiroler Privatuniversität UMIT TIROL and Instruct AG, but also key associated partners from the University of Bern, Gazi University and the Uniformed Services University. This strong turnout reflects the widespread interest and importance of our project’s objectives.
As we begin, our focus is on conducting a rapid literature review to identify crucial papers that will inform the curriculum’s content. This initial research phase is essential, as it helps lay the groundwork for developing high-quality modules. By mapping out the most relevant literature, we aim to create a strong academic foundation for the content ahead.
In parallel we are deepening our understanding of the target audience’s expectations through a more detailed target needs analysis. Building on insights from the general needs analysis, this phase will refine our approach to ensure the curriculum meets the specific demands and interests of our future learners.
One of the exciting milestones of the meeting was the selection of our project logo – a visual identity that embodies the spirit of D-CREDO and will accompany us on this journey.

Additionally, we set a date for our first face-to-face meeting in Kraków on the 5th and 6th of November. This in-person gathering will be an excellent opportunity to strengthen partnerships and set the course for the project’s future steps.
With such a strong start, the D-CREDO team is enthusiastic about the road ahead. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to shape this innovative project!